Inside Sales

Enhance Your Inside Sales Training with E-Learning Simulations

Overview provides an easy way to strengthen your existing inside sales training through customizable e-learning simulations. Our drag and drop platform makes it simple for companies to create "sales simulations" and "sales modeling" scenarios that build skills, transfer institutional knowledge and enable just-in-time learning.

Onboard Reps Fast

Interactive scenarios immerse new hires in your business, products, processes and sales techniques, speeding their ramp-up.

Easy to Update

The ability to build and modify simulations on your schedule means you can provide targeted training around new challenges at a moment's notice. Reps get the information and practice they need right when they need it.

Share Expertise

Simulations capture and distribute the experience and wisdom of your top performers to new or struggling reps efficiently and cost-effectively. No need for expensive travel or lengthy in-person workshops.

Reinforce Training

Use simulations to strengthen lessons from your core sales training programs through scenario-based learning and application. Interactive experiences cement new knowledge and skills.

Drag-and-Drop Interface

Anyone can build interactive and impactful simulations with no technical background required. Easily incorporate your existing content, videos, documents and more.

Works on Any Device

Your reps can complete training on their own schedules via mobile, desktop, laptop or tablet. Fits conveniently into their day wherever they are.

Real-time Reporting

Gain data-driven insights into how your reps are progressing through simulations. See their choices, review customized feedback, and evaluate key metrics to optimize your training program.

Scenario-based Learning

Move beyond standard e-learning and lectures with experiences tailored to inside sales. Reps apply their knowledge in realistic scenarios and learn from the outcomes of their choices.

Just-in-time Training

With mobile access and the ability to quickly build and modify content, you can provide your reps with training tailored to current needs and priorities on-demand. Constantly keep them prepared and ahead of challenges.

Help your inside sales reps reach their full potential with Our platform makes personalized, impactful e-learning simulations accessible and effective, allowing you to enhance training, share institutional knowledge and drive high performance. Contact us today to discuss how simulations can benefit your organization.