Tools for Onboarding A Powerful Tool for Onboarding

Overview offers an innovative platform for onboarding new hires through interactive scenarios that build knowledge, skills, and cultural fit. Our tools make it simple to strengthen your existing content and processes with customized simulations that are accessible anywhere on any device.

Enhance Retention

Scenario-based learning immerses new hires in your organization, products, services and operations. Employees learn by doing, gaining a deeper understanding of key responsibilities that sticks with them long after orientation ends.

Fit for Your People

Keep new hires engaged on their own schedules. As a mobile e-learning tool, simulations fit with the busy lives of your workforce. Employees complete training modules whenever and wherever works for them via smartphone, tablet or laptop.

Share Wisdom

Transfer institutional knowledge. Capture the experience of high-performing team members in scenarios that teach new hires optimal ways of thinking and working. Ensure wisdom and expertise live on even as people move into new roles or leave the company.

Identify Patterns

Get insights into how employees think. Track how new employees respond to and engage with your simulations to gain an in-depth view into their abilities, judgment, and potential. Identify where coaching or mentoring would be most valuable, and get the full picture of capabilities and fit before assigning them to projects or teams.

Built for Simple, Powerful Development provides solutions designed to be:

Easy to Create: Easy for anyone to create, launch and modify. Our drag and drop simulation creator means developing customized simulations is simple, no matter your technical skills. Align content with your company culture, brand, and key priorities.

Accessible: Accessible on any mobile or desktop device. New hires can complete onboarding on their own schedules from anywhere on smartphones, tablets or computers. Make your learning and development program fit with different work styles and work-life balance needs.

Complimentary to What You Have: Integrated with your existing LMS and resources. Use simulations to strengthen current training, orientation, and core skills programs by adding interactivity and opportunities to apply knowledge to real-world scenarios. Our solution works with your current training processes and systems.

Agile: Optimize as your offerings, processes, and strategies change. Quickly update scenarios to address evolving technologies, methodologies or objectives as priorities shift. Your agile simulations are a dynamic resource for your growing business.

Experience how can transform your approach to onboarding through virtual experiences tailored to your needs. Let our practical, customizable solutions build essential skills and ensure new hires are fully prepared to thrive in your company culture. Set your employees and your organization as a whole up for sustainable success.